Here are some photos of our day. Luke definitely got the most out of going to the Fair, so there are a lot more photos of him than anyone else! I think next year we'll be going on a LOT more rides... we just have to figure out what rides it is safe to take Will on too!
Matt, meet Goat. Goat, meet Matt. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Luke was fascinated with this turkey. Good thing he doesn't understand too much about Thanksgiving yet, otherwise I think he might have gotten upset about this turkey's future.
Oma, Luke and Will in front of the waterfall.
Luke was a bit tentative on the carousel as it started going around. This was our first ever amusement park ride with the boys.
Tentativity gone. True amazement and glee abound.
Once Nate figured out how to hold onto Will on the carousel horse, he was happier than we could have imagined! Will loves movement, and the carousel was right up his alley.
Immediately after the carousel, Luke got this cool ice cream cone. I think this might be Luke's version of heaven. He was remarkably hyper yet agreeable for the next 30 minutes after consuming this bubble gum flavored extreme cone.
Just you wait, Mommy... next year, it's your worst fear... toddlers on a ferris wheel. Just you wait. (Insert devious fingery baby laugh here)
Luke finished this whole ear of corn on his own as we were leaving the Fair. It looked to me as though all the corn was gone, so I went to throw it away. Luke ran after me with teeth bared. I thought he was mad... but apparently there were 5 kernels of corn still left on the cob. And he had to have them!