Will is quickly getting used to his new Kid Kart. He spends about an hour a day in it right now - he is supposed to get up to a couple of hours per day in the seat. We're still working on finding him good toys to play with while sitting in the Kart. You can see him in a photo at left with my latest eBay purchase - a 1995 vintage See n Say where all he has to do is tap the Old MacDonald animal from any direction and an animal noise sounds. He loves it! We took him to the neurosurgery appointment today in the stroller attachment to the Kart, which was a very new, very cool experience for him. Due to his limited head and neck control, he typically lies down when in the stroller. Because of the Kid Kart, he's now able to sit up and look around. It is really a great thing for him.
Luke has los
Nate and I still aren't caught up on sleep from our weeks of deprivation, but what parent is? It seems as though Will got very used to cuddling with Oma or whatever parent was home at night during Luke's trips to the hospital and now he doesn't like sleeping in his own bed. We're looking forward to Grammy and Papa's visit this weekend... maybe they'll take the night shift ::wink, wink::
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