Sunday, November 14, 2010

New Job Eve

I have the excitement of announcing our second-most exciting news of the year... Nate's first day at his new job is Monday! After many months of applying for jobs, not hearing anything back for a long time, interviewing, not hearing anything back for a long time etc., we finally got the news that Nate would be rejoining the ranks of the working dad. Everything has moved very quickly since we heard the news, and now, New Job Eve is here!

This means, of course, that he is leaving the ranks of the stay-at-home dad, a title that he wasn't so sure he wanted at first, but one that has come to be very special to him. Nate has been able to easily attend end of year parties at school, pick up sick boys, go to many doctors appointments... and probably most definitively, he has been Matt's primary daytime care giver since I went back to work in June. This, on top of taking care of everything around the house while I was on bedrest earlier this year.

Matt's first day at Luke's day care will be tomorrow. We think he'll do really well since he is a very easy going, adaptable kid. The teachers there all know him because Nate has taken him in to drop off and pick up Luke over the past 7 months. So it should be alright... but of course that isn't going to stop me from dropping in at lunch to say hi, or Nate from picking him up a little early after his new employee orientation is over!

So if you have a chance, drop Nate an email wishing him a good first day at his new job.

As this challenging chapter of life comes to a close, I want to take this opportunity to thank my husband for his unwavering commitment to our family. Though changing diapers, grocery shopping, and shuttling kids around can quickly get old when you'd rather be putting your engineering degree to good use, Nate did a wonderful job of keeping everything together and keeping his cool. He never felt that he was above anything that needed to get done, and he successfully met each challenge. We have truly been partners through this time, and I feel so lucky to be married to him! Through the complexities of relocating to North Carolina, delivering Luke and Will prematurely, facing their many surgeries and obstacles, being on bedrest with Matthew, and balancing the lives and needs of 3 children, we have been side by side, hand in hand... I have a true partner and wonderful husband.

Nate, I am proud of you. I love you. Thank you for the sacrifices that you have made for our family. Thank you for the grace and selflessness that you have shown in the face of difficulty. Thank you for keeping your cool, thank you for your diligence to persevere, and thank you for having your priorities in the right place. Your mama did a good job! My hope is that our sons learn these skills from you.


Unknown said...

Thanks baby, I couldn't do it without you either. Love ya!

Matt Mescall said...

Congratulations Nate! I hope the new job is going well. Thanks for being one of the good dads!!