Thursday, August 9, 2012


Last night as I was about to start writing about Matt's fun at the pool, my Blogger counter popped up in the corner of my screen.  It was blog number 499 of the NC Slaviks story. 

Which means that #500 is tonight. 

It is kind of hard to believe that since October of 2008, I have sat down at the computer to post a Slavik story 500 times.  Just under 4 years... 100 a year on average... 2 stories per week.  There are a lot of stories that have been told.  I've enjoyed every one of them.  Blogging to me is about sharing our life.  Good stuff.  Bad stuff.  Funny stuff.  Gross stuff.  Getting you all to understand where we're coming from and that we're not easily definable.  We're a family.  We have stuff that we deal with.

I am grateful for those of you who have reached out through the years to tell me when a story has touched you.  Whether you've cheered on Will in his Creepster Crawler, swam with us on the Outer Banks, cried with us over seizures at Hopkins, waited with baited breath to find out Cart's real name, laughed with us when Luke tried to teach Matt how to pee in the potty, or found yourself learning a lot more about a fellow human being with special needs... then I have succeeded.  I've told our story in a manner that makes you feel what we feel.

I'd really like to know which blog posts have been your favorite or touched you the most.  If you've got a moment today, post a message on the blog telling me which blog post you remember... which one still makes you laugh when you think about it... which one makes your eyes fill with tears... which photo you secretly stole off my blog and made your work computer screen saver... the one that made you feel inspired or strong.

I can't wait to hear about it... and I can't wait to post another 500 NC Slavik stories to share with you.  Four years down the road!


Karen said...

The creepster crawler did it for me, the look of joy that Will and Nate shared. Priceless!

Amy said...

The one about the pickup truck. As a lover of trucks, and history, and a devotee of my own brand, it made me sob. At my desk. I was going to tell you, but didn't... so here is my chance. Your boys are beautiful, and you are amazing, but trading in a beloved piece of your history together and letting go in order to move forward was especially touching.

Alicia said...

Definitely the potty story. I almost fell off my chair laughing. I was really cheering for Matt on his first potty attempt.

Anonymous said...

Well, my favorite one is from Luke's kindergarten graduation. I laughed really hard. Even though it probably wasn't funny to you!

Then, I like all the vids with Will, and Matt. I can't remember any with Luke.

And I love the one where we are all making Xmas cookies! That was great!

Lisa said...

Amanda -
I came across your blog a few years ago and pop in from time to time - I feel like I know your family through your blog. I am always amazed by your strength and grace as you navigate all of the trials and joys of being a mother and wife. I came across this story recently:
It reminded me of your boys and your family. Thanks for continuing to inspire me!
Lisa Stratton