Monday, March 23, 2009

Movin' on up...

Because we thought life just wasn't exciting enough, we are moving this Friday! I am not going to put our new address on the blog, but if you need our new address, send me an email!

Lots of people have been asking why we are moving... here's the long story...

Since Will was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, we knew that we needed to be in a one story house to make life easier for all of us. Our house now is two story. We also knew that we wanted to move to Wake County in time for the boys' 3rd birthday, due to the better school system and the fact that Will would be starting a special needs pre-school run by the county when he turns 3. So for you math buffs out there, you just realized that the boys were born in March 2007 and just turned 2... so why move now?

Enter Oma and Opa, my mom and step-dad... they decided a while ago that whenever Opa retired from the Army, they wanted to live where ever we did. With the housing market being slow now, they took the opportunity to buy a fixer-upper in a great neighborhood in Wake County although they wouldn't be moving into it until September 2010 at the earliest.

We always knew that it would be *difficult* to stage our house while we were still living in it... between the eruption of toys in the living room, Will's equipment in the former dining room, and Otis and all his glorious hair, it was nearing impossibility. We had just started going down that road of thought when Oma suggested that we move temporarily in her house in Wake County and put our house on the market.

So that's what we're doing!

Oma and some friends and family have been working diligently on the house since closing, and it will be ready for habitation in time for our move on Friday! Anybody want to help us unpack?

1 comment:

Laney said...

If you need help unpacking...let me know! How exciting you will be in Wake County!