Friday, August 12, 2011

First week back

After our trip to New York, we came back to some excitement... the first week back to school for Will and Luke! When your kids go to a year round school, the idea of a "new school year" is a bit silly, because they were really only on break for a couple of weeks.

Regardless, this week was the start of the new pre-K school year. Not much changed with Will's situation. Same teachers, same classroom, same routine. The only new thing is a new bus driver, new route, and new pick up time.

Luke, on the other hand... big changes! As this is his second year in his part day, speech delay program, he moves from the morning to the afternoon. And the afternoon program goes right on top of what is lunch and nap time at his day care.


Nate drops him off at day care like normal. Around noon, his driver picks him and his lunch up, and drives him to his pre-K program. He eats lunch there with his new classmates. And while his day care chums are napping for 2 hours, he is learning about weather ("Mommy, what is your favorite weather? Mine is sunny."), shapes ("Mommy, what is your favorite shape? Mine is a circle.") , and colors ("Mommy, what is your favorite color? Mine is blue.").

After a little over 2 hours, his driver picks him back up, and delivers him back to day care right around the time that his day care friends are waking up and having snack. Its like he didn't miss anything at day care, which is nice for him because he loves it there.

However each day this week, Luke got home from day care around 5pm, and proceeded to have a pretty serious meltdown. Once calm, he ate dinner with drooping eyes and big yawns. With pretty minimal fighting, he got ready for bed and brushed teeth. And each day since he has started this routine, he's been asleep before 8pm.

He's been sleeping better through the night. I think as he gets more used to this routine, the meltdowns after day care will decrease in severity (though probably will not stop). Will and Matt are actually following suit with the earlier bed time too, so Nate and I have a little more quiet time in the evenings!

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