Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The horizontal blogger

Well, its official. I am on bed rest. I got to my 30 week mark and my doctor decided it was time to take the plunge. So I am armed with a stack of books (which have been amassing since the boys were born), a backlog of magazines, and am contemplating a subscription to NetFlix.

I am not wishing this time away, however I do hope that it goes somewhat quickly. When there are entire websites and books dedicated to surviving bed rest, you know its not a good time. Sure, staying home and relaxing sounds like fun... but 9 weeks of it? Guarenteed boredom. And because I avoid birthing shows at all cost, that eliminates like 50% of daytime television!

So wish me luck over the next 9 weeks... because of some complications, my doctor is planning a c-section when I reach 39 weeks pregnant. So - barring any unforeseen circumstances or emergencies - Cart will likely be born closer to April 16 than April 23. I need someone to explain the difference between an Aries and a Taurus to me... Aunt Kylie?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you subscribe to netflix, you can also stream a lot of movies and tv shows, in addition to the DVDs in the mail. I have passed far more time doing this than i really care to admit :-) good luck!