Sunday, March 14, 2010

The big reveal

No, Cart has not arrived. No, we aren't about to spill the beans on his name. So what, you ask, is this big reveal?!

Well, as we mentioned last week, the boys were to receive new twin sized beds for their birthday in advance of brother Cart's arrival. With the help of some generous great-, grand-, and god-parents, we made the purchase on Friday while the boys were at school. Nate took the afternoon to set the beds up. He was very excited about the surprise for the boys!

After dinner, Nate brought the boys upstairs to get ready for bed. I was waiting in their new room with camera at attention to capture the moment. Luke was kind of in disbelief for a moment, until he crawled into his bed and realized he could now reach the window blinds, lamp, and clock! Will enjoyed wiggling and kicking around in his bed.

It was a fun moment for us, because up until now, the boys really haven't been into gifts and surprises. This was the first time that there was a genuine look of shock on their faces, followed by a look of excitement!

Will has taken to his big boy bed like a fish to water. He's had no issues falling asleep in it, and Nate enjoys that he can now snuggle into Will's bed to wake him up after nap time. That kid beams the biggest smile when he is nose to nose with Daddy!

Luke's having a hard time controlling himself with this new found freedom. In his crib and even his toddler bed, he fell asleep easily and never seemed to get out to play when it was time to sleep. For the past two days, he hasn't been able to nap in his new bed because he just cannot be still! Getting him to sleep Friday and Saturday nights was a bit of a challenge. Thankfully this evening, the novelty has worn off just enough to allow him to sleep quickly and soundly in his new bed!

On a separate note, Will is slated to have his adenoids removed on Tuesday of this week! Though you might feel bad for him to undergo another surgery, this one is going to be a great thing for him. The frequency and severity of congestion that he gets on a regular basis right now really impacts his life, and despite the amount to which we joke about it, he does not enjoy gagging and vomiting on mucus! The procedure is quick and out-patient. Please wish our little trooper luck!

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