Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bathtime, funtime

In the haste of life with 3 kids and 2 full time jobs, bathing children can often seem a chore. Though I know I'll be sad when the day comes when I am banished from the bathroom by a self-conscious boy years from now, right now bathtime can definitely eat into down time, cause drama, and be something we don't all look forward to.

Last week, we were miraculously able to eat an early dinner, which meant we had some extra time together and some extra time for baths. So unusual at our house! We can't fit all 3 of the boys in the tub together, but 2 of them at a time got some splash time together. We even got Will to sit up for a while and look eye to eye with Luke. A first! Matt is still not the biggest fan of baths, but when he's in the tub with one of his big brothers, he is a much happier bather.

Oh, and in case you're wondering. The boo-boo on Luke's head was caused by a dancing accident at school. Ironically, the lesson was called "Dancing with Control."

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